Weekly Update for 06/21/2024

Children and Youth Religious Education:

Dear Friends, 

I am SO EXCITED to start our summer programming this week! I think we are all going to have such a fun and engaging time this summer as we learn more about the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA, which brings us our Values. If you need a refresher, you can learn more about the Article II process and the new Values here: https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission 

And what could be more fun that using LEGO and art to learn about these great things!? Our new friend, JetPig will be on hand all summer to help us with our learning goals. I look forward to seeing your children for one or both of the next two weeks as we work on our summer covenant with one another. 

Looking ahead, here is a sneak peek at what to expect the rest of month in Religious Education:

  • June 23 & 30 - Welcome to Summer RE! We kick off with a brand new curriculum at the end of this month. This summer, we will be learning about our UU values, explored through the lens of LEGO! These first two weeks will be spent on Covenant and getting to know the curriculum. 

  • June 30 - Youth Group! We will meet at 5pm for dinner and an activity. More info, including meeting spot, coming soon! Watch this space, Facebook, and the Friday eBlast for updates. 

Looking ahead for future Youth Group meeting dates (place and activity TBA):

  • July 28

  • August 25

  • Additionally, we will do one service project this summer, date TBD.

We will not offer age-specific programming for YG aged folks on Sunday mornings, and instead, we invite them to get involved in one of these ways: 

  • They can make use of the temporarily empty RE room to play board games, read, or make free form art.

  • They are very welcome to join the PreK-5th grade class for learning and activities. 

  • Finally, they are invited to remain in the sanctuary with their grown-ups for the service.

We are actively looking for volunteers for both age groups. Please speak with DLE, Courtney Sinha if you are interested in getting involved with either group or even if you just have some questions about what that would look like. We appreciate the support of all our families and friends to keep a thriving and growing RE program going.